McCully concerned by mounting Gaza crisis
Hon Murray McCully
Minister of Foreign Affairs
January 2009 Media Release
McCully concerned by mounting Gaza crisis
Attacks on United Nations facilities, including schools, in the Gaza Strip are of grave concern and underline the need for both sides of the conflict to agree to an immediate ceasefire, Foreign Minister Murray McCully said today.
“New Zealand is deeply worried by the mounting humanitarian crisis in Gaza as a result of the continuing Israeli ground offrensive,” Mr McCully said.
“We call for Israel to immediately cease military attacks and for Hamas to immediately cease rocket and mortar attacks.
“New Zealand also supports the intensive efforts of world leaders, including President Sarkozy of France, to halt the fighting.
“It is imperative both sides -- Israel and Hamas -- focus on the mounting humanitarian situation for the civilian population of Gaza. Both sides have obligations to avoid putting civilians in danger.
“The conflict must cease
before international assistance can be safely provided to
those in genuine need in Gaza, and New Zealand is continuing
to monitor the evolving situation through various
international aid agencies," Mr McCully