The eve of worker insecurity
The eve of worker insecurity
The latest chapter in John Key’s short-sighted attempt to address the economic downturn is set to begin, with National’s 90-day “fire at will” legislation coming into force tomorrow, Labour spokesperson Trevor Mallard said today.
“New Zealanders should not be fooled. National’s attempt to try and sell this as a way to boost employment opportunities with small to medium sized businesses is a sham,” Trevor Mallard said.
“In reality National is telling employers they can hire people for up to three months and then get rid of them without any hassles if you don’t need or want them any more.
“The 90-day clause will make it far more difficult for small to medium businesses to attract skilled staff when they most needed them.
Trevor Mallard says National made it clear where its priorities are by rushing this poorly thought out law through Parliament without going through Select Committee scrutiny.
“Workers’ rights were one of the first targets in National’s 100 day plan,” Trevor Mallard said.
“Removing workers’ rights to take personal grievances for reasons of unjustified dismissal will only leave them open to being taken advantage of, and abused.
“It’s laughable that National claims a 90-day trial is voluntary. If you are looking for work and your prospective boss offers you the job on the condition you will be on 90-day trial period, how is that voluntary?
“March 1st 2009, will be a sad day in our employment relations history. A day when the basic rights of New Zealand workers’ will be stripped away,” Trevor Mallard said.