600 more frontline police confirmed
Hon Judith Collins
Minister of Police
28 May
600 more frontline police confirmed
Budget funding will fulfil the Government's commitment to put 600 more police on the streets of New Zealand by the end of 2011, Police Minister Judith Collins says.
The Government will put the extra 300 officers into frontline roles in Counties-Manukau by the end of 2010 and there will be 300 more officers across the rest of New Zealand by the end of 2011.
“The Government's top priority for policing has been to increase the number of officers directly delivering services to the public and we're honouring that commitment," Ms Collins says.
“There is no better deterrent to crime than police officers out on the beat and on patrol in our communities. We need more police to tackle violence, maintain order and ensure that all New Zealanders can feel safe in their homes, on the streets and in their communities.
“With the funding announced today, this Government is delivering on its promise. This commitment will give the public greater confidence in the police’s capacity to prevent, respond to and investigate crime.”
Budget 2009 provides $162.5 million of operating funding over four years for Police recruitment, training, personnel costs and deployment.
It will also include extra police support for prosecutions. A further $20 million of capital funding in 2009/10 and 2010/11 will provide accommodation and vehicles for the additional police.