Where are the jobs John?
10 November 2009
Media Statement
Where are the jobs John?
Labour Leader Phil Goff has welcomed work beginning on the first cycleway project but questions why Prime Minister John Key is no longer proud of how many jobs the cycle routes will create.
“In February John Key trumpeted that 3700 jobs would be created by his scheme to get Kiwis back into work in the recession. But now construction on the first project is underway, why is there no mention of jobs?” Phil Goff said.
“John Key’s media release today says the PM was very proud to turn the first sod on the Waipa Domain cycleway, but why didn’t it tell us how many jobs it would create?
“Could it be that the Prime Minister is now so embarrassed that his cycleway, from a jobs point of view, will be woefully inadequate? “
“Or could it be that the cycleway was always a gimmick in an attempt to look like he was taking action on jobs?”
Phil Goff says now unemployment has reached 150,000, Kiwis want a real plan to get people back into work.
“John Key has never had one, but that hasn’t stopped the PM from trying to create the illusion that he has,” Phil Goff said.
“The ‘do-nothing’ Prime Minister has again been exposed. He’s done nothing to protect and create jobs.
“After telling Kiwis 3700 jobs would be created by the cycleway, John Key revised that number down to a best case scenario in July of 280.
“Now the Prime Minister doesn’t even want to mention jobs and his cycleway in the same sentence.
“John Key is again backpedalling on this issue.
“The Government needs to get real about unemployment and give hardworking New Zealanders real hope that every effort is being made to keep them in work.”