Aorangi School to close
Hon Anne Tolley
Minister of Education
24 November 2009
Media Statement
Aorangi School to close
Education Minister Anne Tolley has announced that Aorangi School in Christchurch will close on 27 January 2010.
“This has not been an easy decision to make, but after considering final submissions from the school and from the Ministry of Education I believe it is the right one,” said Mrs Tolley.
Aorangi needs major investment in its buildings, the community is served by other nearby schools and this small school has had a falling roll over the last few years.
“I can’t justify spending over $2 million on Aorangi’s planned replacement building programme, especially in the current economic climate. An independent review by Ernst and Young of the savings associated with the closure has confirmed the costings upon which I’ve based my decision.
“Nearby schools have potential capacity to provide a good educational environment for Aorangi’s current students, and the Ministry will put in place a plan to support every student and their family. This will include help enrolling at new schools and support through the transition period and into Term 1, 2010.
“I am committed to ensuring that there is ongoing provision for bilingual education in the area and I have directed the Ministry to work with Ngai Tahu and local boards of trustees on this important issue.”
A change manager will now be appointed to support the school, families and students through all aspects of the closure process.