Poroporoaki ki a Sir Archie Taiaroa
Poroporoaki ki a Sir Archie Taiaroa, Greens pay tribute
The Green Party today pays respect to the tireless work, vision and mana of Sir Archie Taiaroa of Te Ati Hau Nui a Paparangi, Ngati Tuwharetoa and Ngati Apa/Nga Wairiki, with wider connections to Ngati Haua, Ngati Kurawhatia and Ngati Maru.
“It was with great sadness that we learnt of Sir Archie Taiaroa passing last night. He led an inspirational life and made a difference across so many areas. The loss of this great man will be felt throughout Aotearoa,” said Green Party MP Catherine Delahunty.
“I would like to pay tribute to all the work he has done in the long struggle to look after the Whanganui river and its people.
“We mourn Sir Archie Taiaroa passing into the next world, and our prayers and thoughts are with Lady Martha, his children, mokopuna and all his whanau,” Ms Delahunty said.
Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei
sent her condolences and deep sense of loss as a daughter of
the Te Ati Hau Nui a Paparangi iwi from the Commonwealth
Parliamentary Association meeting in Kenya.