Pacific students to lose language programme funds
Carmel Sepuloni
Associate Education
12 October 2010 Media Statement
Pacific students to lose funding for language programmes
The Minister of
Education Anne Tolley’s decision to cease funding Pacific
language education programmes in New Zealand schools will be
detrimental to pacific students, says Labour Associate
Education spokesperson Carmel Sepuloni.
“There are currently 33 Pacific bilingual education units operating in New Zealand schools. These are set to lose their support from the Ministry of Education and instead schools wishing to continue providing this service will need to find the funds from their already stretched operational budgets.
“All evidence points to the use of Pacific bilingual education as a key factor in raising the achievement levels of Pacific students. The Minister’s latest decision will have a severely detrimental impact on educational outcomes for Pacific people in New Zealand.
“This Government seems intent on denying Pacific students the opportunity to excel in education, and to maintain a connection to their cultural heritage through learning in Pacific languages,” Carmel Sepuloni said.