Will Anne Tolley meet with Auckland Grammar?
Kelvin Davis
Associate Education
20 January 2011
Media Statement
Will Anne Tolley meet with Auckland Grammar?
When is Education Minister Anne Tolley going to step up and deal with the issue of Auckland Grammar and NCEA? Says Labour Associate Education Spokesperson Kelvin Davis.
“Anne Tolley today broke her silence on the issue of Auckland Grammar and NCEA to state that the Ministry of Education would meet with the school on the issue. But why isn’t the Minister attending that meeting? Kelvin Davis said.
“All Anne Tolley’s statement has done is to confirm that she is too scared to tackle the issue of Auckland Grammar and NCEA.
“Anne Tolley is the Minister of Education she needs to be addressing this issue not passing the buck to Ministry of Education officials.
“The Minister’s claim this morning that
he ‘hopes’ Auckland Grammar has consulted with parents
shows just how appalling her handling of the matter has
“Shouldn’t the Minister know whether the school has consulted with parents, rather than just hoping they have? Kelvin Davis said.
“Anne Tolley needs to meet with the school and ask them what consultation they have carried out? What evidence they have to support their decision on NCEA? And ensure the school is looking after the best interests of its pupils.
“The Minister has ducked for cover at every opportunity. Anne Tolley is the Minister in charge of the education system it is not good enough for her to run and hide and refuse to answer questions on her handling of this issue.
“Clearly this is not a situation that the Minister can sit back and simply ‘hope’ it will be resolved,” Kelvin Davis said.