New Auckland scheme to collect waste oil
Hon Dr Nick Smith
Minister for the Environment
February 2011
New Auckland scheme to collect waste oil
Environment Minister Nick Smith is encouraging Aucklanders to support a new Auckland Council scheme partially funded by Government to recover waste motor oil.
“Aucklanders could be pouring more than 400,000 litres of dirty waste motor oil down the drain polluting Auckland’s streams, rivers and harbours. This scheme is about providing free, convenient and safe disposable facilities that will see the oil either recycled or properly disposed of,” Dr Smith said.
The Government is providing $50,000 from the Waste Management Fund to establish the scheme, which is being managed and promoted by the Auckland Council. Industry is providing the collection points and recycling; the collection oil will be recycled or disposed of under the Used Oil Recovery Product Stewardship Scheme approved by the Ministry for the Environment. This has the oil either cleaned or recycled or used as an energy source in properly designed furnaces.
“Aucklanders have taken huge steps forward with recycling of household plastics, glass and paper over the past decade but need to extend this to toxic pollutants like used oil to stop it being poured down drains,” Dr Smith said. “Just one litre of motor oil can pollute one million litres of water and kill birds, fish and other animals.
“We are starting this programme in Auckland because it is the most vulnerable to used oil pollution with its high population and being surrounded by water. My ambition is for the scheme to be rolled out nationally after learning how to make it work in New Zealand’s largest city.
“This waste minimisation project is an excellent example of councils, government and industry working together to reduce waste and improve the environment. It is also consistent with the Government’s approach of focusing on waste streams causing the greatest environmental harm.”