Media update: International assistance received
Hon Murray McCully
Minister of Foreign
New Zealand
1 March 2011
Media Statement
Media update:
International assistance received
Minister Murray McCully today confirmed that more than 900
international personnel from over 12 international
contributors are working shoulder to shoulder with New
Zealanders on the rescue operation in Christchurch following
the devastating 6.3-magnitude earthquake. The rescue effort
is supported by numerous international volunteers.
Search and rescue assistance received to
• Australia - two urban search
and rescue teams totalling 142 personnel (72 from New South
Wales and 70 from Queensland) and three dogs.
Japan - an urban search and rescue team of 67
personnel with three dogs.
• China - a
team of 10 urban search and rescue personnel and
• Singapore - an urban search
and rescue team of 56 personnel including four dogs
Taiwan - an urban search and rescue team of 24
personnel and two dogs.
• United Kingdom -
an urban search and rescue team of 64 personnel.
United States - an urban search and rescue team of
around 80 personnel, plus 40 tonnes of equipment.
Police assistance received:
has provided 323 police officers who are working with New
Zealand Police.
Disaster Victim Identification
(DVI) assistance received:
Experts from Japan, UK,
Israel, Singapore, China and Thailand are already
operating or will be arriving over the next few days to work
with the New Zealand DVI teams. They will join
Australian experts who arrived with the police
deployment on 25 February.
Other assistance
• Australia has sent a 23-person
medical team consisting of emergency and surgical personnel,
and a 75-bed medical field hospital.
• Japan
has sent a team of four counsellors, four fingerprint
experts and an interpreter. They are also providing fibre
optic inspection scopes, cisterns, sleeping bags and
• Singapore has 116 Defence Force
Personnel on the ground supporting the security cordon in
• Korea and Malaysia are
sending volunteer teams to support their respective
communities in Christchurch.
• Mexico has sent
a volunteer team of search and rescue experts which is
assisting the rescue operation in wider Christchurch.
United States experts are carrying out a joint
assessment with New Zealand counterparts of buildings in the
Christchurch central business district. The outcome of this
assessment will determine whether further demolition
assistance will be required.
• Korea is contributing 1,000
sheets of reinforced plastic sheeting, over 1,000
collapsible 10-litre plastic jerry cans, 200 small tents,
over 1,000 blankets, and up to 50 power generators
(220V/50Hz), all expected to arrive 3 March
Japan – from Christchurch’s sister city Kurashiki
– will donate 1,000 plastic sheets and 2,000 6-litre water
• Australia is sending sanitation
resources, such as camp toilets, with additional supplies
under consideration.
Note to
The New Zealand Government has received
generous offers of assistance from: Argentina, Australia,
Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, Chile, China, El
Salvador, the European Union, Fiji, France, Germany, Greece,
Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Korea,
Malaysia, Mexico, New Caledonia, Nepal, Niue, Pakistan,
Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Russia, Samoa, Singapore,
Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tonga, Turkey, United
Kingdom, United Nations and the United States of