New Auckland waterfront home for high-tech stars
Hon Dr Wayne Mapp
Minister of Science and Innovation
12 October 2011
New Auckland waterfront home for high-tech stars
A world-class facility in Auckland that will house business incubators, research and development institutions, and business development providers, was announced today by Science and Innovation Minister Wayne Mapp and Auckland Mayor Len Brown.
“The Wynyard Quarter Innovation Precinct will connect entrepreneurs and businesses to international investors and partners,” said Dr Mapp. “It will also be a landing pad for overseas investors looking to connect with New Zealand knowledge-intensive companies.”
“It ties in with other high-tech industry support, such as the IT Entrepreneurial scheme, our commercialisation initiatives, and the range of business grants such as Tech NZ,” Dr Mapp said.
“The Wynyard Quarter Innovation Precinct will help New Zealand to grow world-class innovative companies. This is creating the wealth and jobs that we need for our future,” Dr Mapp said.
Auckland Mayor Len Brown said that to grow, Auckland needs to export.
“Auckland has stunning examples of innovation that our high growth markets are willing to pay a premium for,” said the Mayor.
“The Wynyard Quarter Innovation Precinct will bring together, in one place, innovators, research and development providers, as well as organisations specialising in bringing new products to market.”
The Mayor has asked Council entities Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development Ltd and Waterfront Auckland to work with the Ministry of Science and Innovation and other Government agencies over the next few months to develop the Wynyard Quarter Innovation Precinct.
Len Brown says the benefits of the precinct will be felt well beyond central Auckland.
“Technology is one of our fastest growing sectors and as it grows it will upskill our population through demand for university and training institute courses. The Precinct will naturally focus on adding value to the high-tech sector, notably ICT, digital content creation and marine technology.
“As these sectors grow, Auckland's reputation will grow. This means retaining talented Aucklanders while attracting talented people from overseas who want Auckland's internationally recognised quality of life,” Mr Brown said.
The final business case for the Precinct is expected by March 2012.