MP calls for ratification of Rome Statute
MP for Manukau
Associate Disarmament Spokesperson
15 February 2012
MP calls for ratification of Rome
Labour is calling for Asia Pacific nations to ratify the Rome Statute and put an end to impunity for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression.
Speaking from Sydney, where he is chairing the Asia-Pacific session at the Justice for All (10 Year Review of the International Criminal Court) Conference, Labour’s Associate Disarmament spokesperson and Parliamentarians for Global Action President, Ross Robertson highlighted the importance of individual nations supporting the statute.
The Rome Statute is the legal basis for establishing the permanent International Criminal Court. It came into force on 1 July 2002 after ratification by 60 countries.
“The main objective of the conference is the involvement of Pacific Island States that are not yet parties to that Statute,” Ross Robertson said.
“A collective approach to issues of genocide and crimes against humanity would address the region’s predicament whereby the votes of small nations in the Asia Pacific can be wrongly perceived as inconsequential.
“The Pacific Island Forum states are often seen as minor players when New Zealand and Australia are excluded, but they have one vote each like any other country at the UN. Voting together with New Zealand and Australia we can have a significant impact.
"It is essential that members of parliament
promote the ratification of the Rome Statute so that justice
for all becomes a reality.
“Parliamentarians are
legislators, and the Rome Statute’s ratification and
domestication must be considered and approved by
parliaments. PGA stands ready to become a partner of the
civil society and governments from the region to work
towards ratification,” Ross Robertson