NZ-EU science links strengthened
Hon Steven Joyce
Minister of Science & Innovation
9 March 2012
NZ-EU science links strengthened
Science and Innovation Minister Steven Joyce today met with European Union Commissioner for Research and Innovation to discuss how to strengthen New Zealand’s science links with Europe.
“Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn’s visit is an excellent opportunity to cement our European science links. Europe is New Zealand’s major science partner. Nearly 40 per cent of New Zealand’s international research connections are with European partners,” Mr Joyce says.
Discussion at the meeting included how New Zealand can be more involved in Europe’s research programmes, including the new research and innovation programme Horizon 2020, which will likely have a budget of $125 billion from 2014.
New Zealand and EU researchers are involved in 81 projects that have resulted in access to over $130 million worth of funded research.
“New Zealand’s focus for investment in R&D closely matches the EU’s research agenda with its focus on addressing grand challenges and emphasis on science-driven innovation”, Mr Joyce says.
“Innovation is the key to business success and New Zealand needs to make the most of all its opportunities”.