Budget Strips Education Funding
Tracey Martin MP
Spokesperson for Education
17 May
Budget Strips Education Funding
New Zealand First has accused the Government of stripping critical education dollars from mainstream schooling for pet projects.
Education spokesperson Tracey Martin says John Banks ‘cup of tea’ charter schools will strip $19 million out of education with no requirement to provide even a decent sized classroom let alone a library or playground.
“As Dr Pita Sharples celebrates the Māori Party’s philosophical focus on Māori immersion education, they are denying support for the majority of Māori students who attend mainstream schools.
“Where is the money to support these students? Many need extra help.”
Ms Martin says the Māori Party believes in investment in Māori language but then supports Charter Schools who can throw out not only the official curriculum but also the ‘Curriculum Guidelines for Teaching and Learning Te Reo Māori in English-medium Schools’.
“The one man Act Party gained public money for their profiteering mates while the Māori Party got crumbs for Maori in mainstream schools as the Government puts its focus on specialist schools.
“This Budget will not help the educational needs of the majority of our students,” says Ms Martin.