Funding Boost for Sexual Violence Crisis Services
Hon Paula Bennett
Minister for Social
Associate Minister of Housing
31 July 2013
Funding Boost for Sexual Violence Crisis Services
A major funding boost to assist victims of sexual violence was announced today by the lead Minister for Sexual Violence Services Paula Bennett.
Funding will help the Auckland Sexual Abuse Help Foundation (HELP) provide a sexual violence crisis response in Auckland and Northern districts.
The funding of $1,371,000 over three years will contribute towards a 24/7 telephone support service, a call out team of specialist trauma counsellors, an acute crisis counselling service and court preparation and support services.
“This is an increase of $190,000 per year which is a significant rise in funds and the three year contract provides real certainty for the organisation.”
“I am very pleased to be able to support this essential service, alongside my colleague ACC Minister Collins, who has been instrumental in this funding round,” Minister Bennett said.
The funding from multiple Government organisations is part of a joint agency approach to sexual violence.
Minister Bennett thanks the Ministry of Justice, the Accident Compensation Corporation and Minister Collins as well as the Ministry of Social Development for the joint efforts.
Earlier this year, Minister Bennett took a Ministerial leadership role for the sexual violence sector, which currently sits across several government portfolios.
Organisations providing services to victims of sexual abuse have contracts with Justice, Health, ACC, Police and Social Development.
“I’m working on more sustainable funding solutions for the sector which I recognise has struggled at times to provide services to those in real need.
“We can and will do better for those organisations and ultimately the victims of sexual violence,” says Mrs Bennett.
Today’s announcement is significant for the sector, particularly given the coverage of services that Auckland Sexual Abuse Help Foundation can offer.