Greens announce initial party list
Greens announce initial party list
The Green Party is
excited to announce its initial party list of talented and
diverse candidates determined to make a positive difference
and improve life for all New Zealanders, Green Party
Co-Convenor Georgina Morrison said today.
“The Green
Party has a strong, dynamic team in Parliament and is
looking forward to growing our numbers and helping change
the government at this election,” Ms Morrison
“The list we are releasing today is by no means final. It is just a useful guide for members all over the country to use when making their own personal selection.”
The initial list is put together by delegates and candidates who attended the party’s February candidate conference. Delegates were able to put candidates through their paces and evaluate their performance. The initial list now goes to party members nation-wide to vote on. The Green Party uses STV voting.
“We have the most democratic list selection process out of the major parties and are proud of the high level of involvement our members have,” Ms Morrison said.
"It’s Green Party members not its leadership who decide who will be in Parliament working to make to New Zealand a smart, greener, more compassionate place to live.”
Voting papers will be sent to party members in the first week of April and voting will close on the 29th. The final list will be announced by the end of May.
The list:
1 Turei, Metiria
2 Norman, Russel
3 Hague, Kevin
4 Sage, Eugenie
5 Delahunty, Catherine
6 Hughes, Gareth
7 Graham, Kennedy
8 Genter, Julie Anne
9 Logie, Jan
10 Shaw, James
11 Walker, Holly
12 Clendon, Dave
13 Roche, Denise
14 Mathers, Mojo
15 Davidson, Marama
16 Browning, Steffan
17 Coates, Barry
18 Hart, John
19 McDonald, Jack
20 Leckinger, Richard
21 Rotmann, Sea
22 Moorhouse, David
23 Elley, Jeannette
24 Ruthven, Susanne
25 Perinpanayagam, Umesh
26 Perley, Chris
27 Moore, Teresa
28 Kennedy, Dave
29 Langsbury, Dora
30 Barlow, Aaryn
31 Lawless, Jennifer
32 Woodley, Tane
33 Goldsmith, Rachael
34 Rogers, Daniel
35 Kelcher, John
36 Smithson, Anne-Elise
37 McAll, Malcolm
38 Ferguson, Sam
39 Ford, Chris
40 Hunt, Reuben
41 Wesley, Richard