Green Party to lodge official complaints
Green Party to lodge official complaints
The Green Party is today lodging a series of complaints with the Police, Parliamentary Service, the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security and the Privacy Commissioner after revelations in Nicky Hager’s new book that alleges corruption and abuse of power.
The Green Party will today lodge complaints with:
· Parliamentary Service over John Key’s senior advisor Jason Ede’s alleged involvement in inappropriately supplying confidential information to blogger Cameron Slater
· Police over the possibility that officials working for Mr Key corruptly used or disclosed any information, acquired by him or her in his or her official capacity, to obtain, advantage
· Police over allegations of blackmail involving former ACT leader Rodney Hide
· Police over allegations of unauthorised access to a computer system under Sections 249 and 252 of the Crimes Act
· the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security over allegations that sensitive documents were declassified in order to be used as political smears.
· the Privacy Commissioner over allegations that Minister Judith Collins leaked private information
“John Key has degraded our democracy,” Green Party Co-leader Metiria Tūrei said.
“New Zealand prides itself on a clean and transparent political system and National has eroded that.
“The National Government is up to its neck in dirty politics and may have broken the law while smearing opponents.
“The New Zealand public cannot have any confidence in our democracy until these claims are investigated and offenders held to account.
“We need the Police, Parliamentary Service, the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security and the Privacy Commissioner to investigate immediately.
“The Green Party is today promising to hold a Royal Commission of Inquiry when in Government to get to the bottom of what has gone on and to seek recommendations on how to rebuild a clean and fair political system in New Zealand.
“In Government the Green Party will shine sunlight into every nook of the Beehive with a Royal Commission.
“National is trying to dismiss dirty and dodgy behaviour as business as usual. It is not. New Zealanders expect and deserve far better standards of their governments and we will not sit by and allow our democracy to be dragged through the dirt by John Key.
“This National Government needs to go. There’s no place for this disturbing and negative type of politics in New Zealand.
“New Zealanders will not like what has gone on at the very highest levels of their government and they are right to be deeply disturbed,” Mrs Turei said.