Government has no credible climate change plan
7July 2015
Government has no credible climate change
Today’s announced climate change target falls short of the ambition required to meet even our existing targets, says Labour’s Environment spokesperson Megan Woods.
“The target announced today amounts to a decrease of only 11 per cent from 1990 levels. This is going to make reaching National’s 50 per cent reduction by 2050 all but impossible.
“Instead our targets should be at least comparable to what the European Union is doing with an overall target of 40 per cent of carbon dioxide emissions below 1990 levels by 2030.
“At the moment we are failing to meet our current targets. That’s not surprising because the Government has no plan on how we are going to reach them.
“We can set all the targets we like, but the simple fact is that this is meaningless unless we actually meet them.
“Labour believes we must have ambitious targets on lowering carbon dioxide emissions from energy use, including transport, backed up by an independent climate commission who is tasked with carbon budgeting.
“We also believe it is time for an evidence-based look at how we account for methane emissions. I look forward to the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment’s forthcoming work on this issue.
“We must ensure not only a credible response to climate change, but a just and carefully managed transition that avoids disproportionate impact on low-income households and small businesses.
“The Government has missed an opportunity. We need credible targets and a credible plan to reach them. Today, National has shown it has neither,” Megan Woods says.