No Justification for Whānau Ora Spend
20 JULY 2015
No Justification for Whānau Ora Spend
The decision to give $50 million worth of extra funding to Whānau Ora navigators in Budget 2015 was made by the Government without the Minister of Whānau Ora, Te Ururoa Flavell, having any information to justify the extra spending, says New Zealand First.
“In official information released to New Zealand First, Minister Flavell denies himself, his office, or Te Puni Kokiri receiving any correspondence, briefings, or reports regarding a shortage of Whānau Ora navigators,” says Māori Affairs Spokesperson Pita Paraone.
“Without documentation outlining a shortage of navigators, how did Minister Flavell justify the extra $50 million spend on navigators?
“It appears that at a time when all other departments are stretched to breaking, the government remains content on squandering taxpayer money on the Māori Party’s vanity project without necessity or reason,” says Mr Paraone.