Budget 2016: $40 Million for Unproven Whānau Ora
27 MAY 2016
Budget 2016: $40 Million for Unproven Whānau Ora
The Māori Party is once again throwing good taxpayers’ money after bad at the still unproven Whānau Ora programme, says New Zealand First.
“Last year’s Budget gifted $50 million to Whānau Ora, and now this year another $40 million is being thrown away,” says Māori Affairs Spokesperson Pita Paraone.
“No proof has been provided to show Whānau Ora is achieving significantly more than last year, when the Auditor-General found absolutely no value for money coming from the programme.
“Real evidence is needed to justify this spending on Whānau Ora beyond the commissioning agencies being able to increase the ‘Total Page Likes’ on their Facebook pages,” says Mr Paraone.