Tech-savvy kiwis should apply for Open Data fellowships
Hon Louise Upston
Minister for Land Information
August 2016 Media Statement
Minister calls for tech-savvy kiwis to apply for Open Data fellowships
Land Information Minister Louise Upston is encouraging data whizzes throughout New Zealand to apply for two innovative Open Data Fellowships with Land Information New Zealand and the Wellington City Council.
“If you’re a developer or data scientist who wants to make a difference in your community, then don’t let this unique opportunity pass you by,” she said.
“The application process allows you to identify a local problem you’d like to solve by using data that already exists but just needs to be collected and presented in a way that’s useful to people in their everyday lives.
“While this is a first for New Zealand, there are many success stories overseas where a fellow has worked on a project with positive outcomes for their communities,” said Ms Upston.
“One example of where this has worked is in Boston, where a fellow worked with local government to develop an app for maintaining fire hydrants within the city. This ultimately saved local ratepayers money, increased safety and created community awareness about the importance of maintaining such a vital public asset.”
Ms Upston says the fellowships are an opportunity for central and local government to partner with private enterprise.
“We have a wealth of data but its potential will only be realised if we open it up and bring some of our finest techie talent in-house. They’ll bring a fresh perspective to how data can be used to solve local issues, and in return they’re getting an opportunity to develop their skills on projects that make a difference.”
Applications are now open. To apply, visit