Grants for community leadership announced
Hon Jo Goodhew
Minister for the
Community and Voluntary Sector
12 August 2016
Media Statement
Grants for community leadership announced
[12/8/16] Community and Voluntary Sector Minister Jo Goodhew has today announced the first group of grant recipients from the new Community Leadership Fund – Hapori Whakatipu.
“It is fantastic to see such a range of recipients being assisted to improve the sustainability and resilience of the Community and Voluntary Sector,” says Mrs Goodhew.
The new fund has the express purpose of strengthening leadership and capability building across the community and voluntary sector and has priorities that support collaboration and connection across the sector, social enterprise, volunteering, and community led-development.
This year’s allocation of $500,000 was distributed among six organisations; Ara Taiohi Incorporated, Hui E! Community Aotearoa, Ākina Foundation, Inspiring Communities Trust, Volunteer Army Foundation and Volunteering New Zealand.
“Whether it be nurturing the capability and leadership of organisations working in youth development, growing social enterprise, promoting community led development or engaging the volunteers of the future, these efforts to strengthen collaboration and leadership across the sector will all contribute to the strong and resilient communities of the future,” Mrs Goodhew says.
Notes for Media - List of grant recipients:
Ara Taiohi Incorporated -
Ara Taiohi is an umbrella
organisation focussed on building leadership and capability
in a specific community and voluntary sub sector; youth
development. Ara Taiohi does not work directly with youth,
but with organisations and individuals who work with youth.
The funding will support a Youth Sector Development
Hui E! Community Aotearoa -
Hui E! is at the forefront of the
community and voluntary sector and is recognised as a leader
in growing sector capability. Hui E! has adopted a
collaborative leadership approach and fostered strong
relationships within the sector. The funding will support
Hui E!’s core operations to continue its
The Ākina Foundation -
The Ākina Foundation is
acknowledged as the lead organisation in a specific
community and voluntary sub sector; social enterprise. The
Ākina Foundation is achieving its purposes through growing
emerging social enterprises across New Zealand. The funding
will support the Ākina Foundation’s core
The Inspiring Communities Trust -
The Inspiring Communities Trust is
regarded as the lead organisation in a specific community
and voluntary sub sector; community led-development.
Nationally and internationally recognised, the Inspiring
Communities Trust plays an enabling and hands on role in
supporting community led-development across the country. The
funding will support the Inspiring Communities Trust’s
core operations.
The Volunteer Army Foundation
- $50,000
The Volunteer Army Foundation is a
national organisation focussed on the provision of
leadership and capability building within a specific
community and voluntary sub sector; volunteering. The
funding will support the Foundation’s programme of working
with schools to develop the volunteers of the
Volunteering New Zealand Incorporated -
Volunteering New Zealand
Incorporated plays a significant leadership and capability
building role within a specific community and voluntary sub
sector; volunteering. The funding will support Volunteering
New Zealand’s core