Clark urges TPPA signing but we've had other poor deals
Fletcher Tabuteau MP
Spokesperson for
2 October 2015
Clark urges TPPA signing but we've had other poor deals
New Zealand First is calling on former PM Helen Clark to reveal details of the TPPA to the public.
“Clearly Ms Clark knows the details and it’s all good for New Zealand, otherwise she would not have spoken out saying New Zealand must be part of it and go for the very best deal,” says Spokesperson on Trade Fletcher Tabuteau.
“Unfortunately, New Zealand has a record of poor trade deals so what would be the price we pay for signing this one?
“The government is now seeking to renegotiate the China Free Trade Agreement after Australia signed a better deal, and it went ahead with the Korean deal that means less than half of our exports to Korea will actually have their tariffs eliminated.
“Ms Clark is urging us to sign the Pacific Rim agreement, but only a small segment is about trade. We don’t even appear to be making great gains on trade which is vital for us.
“Leaks suggest the secrecy around the negotiations is hiding some aspects that will damage our sovereignty, open up Pharmac drug buying decisions to the drug makers and leave the government open to compensation claims from big foreign corporations.
“We must question why Ms Clark is stepping outside her own boundaries about not commenting on New Zealand domestic policy.
“She is also ignoring UN’s special rapporteurs who said they were concerned about the TPPA on many grounds including healthcare and democracy. They wanted the impact on human rights assessed before signing.”