Greens Go To Rights Commissioner Over Prisoner
Greens Go To Rights Commissioner Over Prisoner
The Green Party is taking the case of a tetraplegic prisoner to Human Rights Commissioner Pamela Jefferies and Corrections Minister Clem Simich.
Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons has written a series of questions to Mr Simich about the case. [See letter below].
She is also attempting to contact Ms Jefferies to obtain advice for the prisoner on what human rights provisions apply in prisons, and what recourse is available to the prisoner, Danuiel [correct] Clark.
The moves come after the Greens were approached for help by Mr Clark of Waihi, who said he could not get to the toilet or shower at Waikeria Prison for four days.
He has since been transferred to Mt Eden, where Ms Fitzsimons hopes to visit him tomorrow.
Mr Clark was jailed for 21 days after the cannabis plants he was growing to relieve chronic pain were seized by police. He was charged with cultivation of six plants and there was no suggestion of supply to anyone else. He refused to pay a fine or do community service.
"We received word that Mr Clark did not receive adequate nursing care in Waikeria. He says he was not taken to the toilet for four days and nights and left in his own excrement. When he fell out of bed it was hours before he was picked up," Ms Fitzsimons said.
"This case reinforces the Green Party view that prison is the wrong place for many people who are there. Instead of building more prisons, we call on Prime Minister Jenny Shipley to go down the restorative justice road and find alternatives for those who shouldn't be in jail in the first place."