Fight Not Over On Lowering Drinking Age
New Zealand First MP Ron Mark has slammed other Christchurch MPs for voting to lower the drinking age from twenty to eighteen last night, but warns that the fight is not over.
“I have grave concerns about the effects this legislation will have on Christchurch young people. Their families, the community and the police will end up picking up the pieces of this ill-conceived legislation,” said Mr Mark.
“I remind Jim Anderton, David Carter, Liane Dalziel, Rod Donald, Ruth Dyson, Marian Hobbs, Doug Kidd and John Wright that there are two more stages this bill must go through before it becomes law.
“New Zealand First MPs are united and will fight this in Parliament at the committee stage and the third reading in the House.
“But we all need to fight this. I ask the public to use the next three weeks to put the pressure on these ‘trendy’ MPs, to hold them accountable for what the public wants.
“Visit and write to these MPs with your views. Speak in the only language they understand. Tell them you won’t vote for them. People of Christchurch have clearly indicated they do NOT want the drinking age lowered.
“MPs have a higher duty to represent the views of New Zealanders, not themselves”, said Mr Mark.