More 'me-tooing' from desperate Government
"How many death bed conversions can Maurice Williamson have," Labour commerce spokesperson Paul Swain asked today.
Mr Swain was commenting on the announcement today that after years of inaction the Government had finally decided to do something about the competition problems in the telecommunications industry.
"The moves are hopelessly overdue and inadequate. This is not surprising as they were obviously hustled together at the last minute in an attempt to match the leadership Labour is showing in the telecommunications and competition areas.
"Labour has made a policy commitment to introduce stronger consumer protections into the Commerce Act and to hold an inquiry into the telecommunications sector.
"The reason Labour has opted for this approach is because the issues are complex and the solutions must be workable. For this, it is essential that industry have the opportunity to make submissions.
"Labour is committed to protecting the consumer and to removing any roadblocks on the information super-highway. One of those roadblocks is clearly the National Government.
"Today's statement from National is another example of how increasingly arrogant and out-of-touch the Government is. The risk is that this ham-fisted approach to change will produce as big a botch of the telecommunication reforms as they did of the electricity reforms."
It is time they stood aside for an incoming Labour Government with a clear vision and strategy for the telecommunications industry and for the transformation to the knowledge economy.