Labour and Hager Conspired Against Coasters
"There is clear evidence of collusion between the Labour Party and Nicky Hagar in the publication 'Secrets and Lies',” says SOE Minister Tony Ryall.
"It is clear that Labour MPs asked Parliamentary Questions on behalf of Mr Hagar. Agreeing to ask written questions on behalf of outside groups is an unusual activity I have not heard of in my nine years in Parliament.
"There is evidence Labour also supplied documents to Mr Hagar which appear in the book.
"This book is part of Mr Hagar’s on-going campaign against the sustainable forestry policy of the Government. It is a political document not a scholarly piece of research.
"The book is also intended to be part of Labour’s on-going campaign to discredit the Prime Minister through slurs and innuendo.
"Just as New Labour did in Britain, New Zealand Labour is using hysterical media coverage on such issues as a device in their election efforts.
"Labour is running a dirty campaign targeting the Prime Minister personally. We predicted this several months ago. And would predict that it will intensify over the next few weeks.
"The sad part is Labour is using the lives of West Coasters as pawns in its grubby little campaign," said Mr Ryall.