Official Launch Of Te Puna
Over the past few weeks there has been a lot of
comment about Information
Technology systems - most
of it negative. Today I want to talk about
Information Technology story that is an
overwhelming success. I want to talk
about a project
that is delivering all that it promised, is user friendly,
responds to the needs of its users. I want to talk
about a system that has come
in on time and in budget.
Its called Te Puna - and today it is my pleasure
officially launch it.
Te Puna means "wellspring
of knowledge". The National Library is a
resource, but it means nothing if that resource
is not accessible to the people.
Te Puna is the key
to unlocking the knowledge within these walls, and
collections throughout New Zealand.
The National
Library has been in the spotlight recently. There are
those in
society who never want to see change, who
believe that the Library should be
locked in a time
warp, who believe that the Library should only exist for
academic elite. I do not hold that view. The
National Library and its
constituent collections is
one of New Zealand's treasures, but it is a
treasure, it is a treasure which everyone should
be able to share. It is not a
fossil. Just because
the Library looks like a bunker does not mean that
should have a bunker mentality.
Earlier this year,
I launched a major initiative to promote
Technology in schools called Learning in the
Third Millennium. At that time, I
drew attention to
the changing face of learning. In the first Millennium,
spoken word was the tool of choice. The
innovation of the printing press
revolutionised learning
for the second Millennium. Now, on the threshold of
third, electronic information is a key source of
Yet electronic knowledge will no more
supplant books than books supplanted the
spoken word.
These different types of storage and communication work
and add to the variety and richness of
knowledge that is available to us all.
But it is not
sufficient for knowledge to be available, it must be
Yesterday, the Government unveiled
its 5 Steps Ahead programme. This recognises
that the
move to a knowledge economy requires a range of
initiatives to make
progress. It is a dynamic
process, and one that is affecting all levels of
and society.
The National Library has not stood like
King Canute against this tide, but has
moved to
positively respond to the challenges it will face in the
21st Century.
I know that this change did not come
easily. Earlier this decade, the National
attempted to update its Information Technology. The
project was not a
success. It would have been easy
to throw up our hands in horror and try to
hide from
the facts, and ignore the reality that the demand had not
gone away.
Instead, the project was stopped, $5 million
was recovered and a fresh start was
made. The result is
what we are launching today.
Te Puna uses mature
technology. It has been tried and tested around the
and as a result it is well understood by the
library fraternity. The advantages
it has over the
old New Zealand Bibliographic Network are tremendous. For
start, it is Y2K compliant. It doesn't require
specialist training and skills
to operate. It is
capable of expanding in future to meet the demands that
come. Already, it is a success. Around 300
libraries are currently using the
In my own
patch of Nelson, the local libraries of both Nelson City and
District Council are "on line" as are the
Polytech, Nelson Marlborough Health
and the Cawthron
Institute. But the information flow is not just a one
street. Its ease of use and versatility means
that for example, the Health
Funding Authority are
making their holdings and records available on Te Puna
that their specialised resources can be accessed by a
wider audience.
Specialised resources require
specialised skills. Information technology
skilled people to drive it and, as part of launching Te
Puna, the
Library is going to go through a process of
restructuring. The Chief Librarian,
Christopher Blake,
will be briefing staff this afternoon on the detail of
Te Puna has cost $9.1 million. That
is a lot of money, but when put alongside
the advantages
that it brings, it is money well spent.
This cost has
meant reprioritisation of the National Library's budget and
also driven the need to restructure. Some in the
public service believe that
the cost of Information
Technology should just be an add-on for the taxpayer,
course the private sector has no such luxury. Just
as other organisations have
had to restructure and
reprioritise to meet their IT needs, so to must
National Library.
For decades we have seen
accumulating knowledge within what is now the
Library. It has been a mighty effort,
undertaken by generations of dedicated
people. Those who
had the vision and passion to start the process of
did not intend it to be lost in dusty vaults.
Henry Ford once said "History is
bunk". Wisely, he
stuck to building motor cars. The history and wisdom
these walls has just as much relevance today as it
did when it was collected.
Te Puna is the flagship of a
range of initiatives which the National Library
undertaking as it evolves into the next century.
It has not compromised the
role of the Library, or
the quality of its collections. What it has done
unlock that vast treasure trove for you and me. In
a few months time, the sun
rises on the new
Millennium. We can take pride in the fact that our
Library is a world leader, and has beaten that
sunrise to be at the forefront of
bringing people and
knowledge together. I congratulate all those who have
part of this exciting and successful project, and
look forward to the positive
response that I know you
will have from thousands of New Zealanders.