Green Party Launches Party List
Aug 30, 1999
Green Party launches party list
The Green Party is one of the first parliamentary parties to issue its complete party-list of candidates for this year's general election.
The list was formed by a postal ballot of all members.
Party Co-Leaders Jeanette Fitzsimons and Rod Donald described the list as an "array of hope" for New Zealand.
"It is also the most democratically selected list on this year's ballot. We know our top candidates have the full trust and confidence of the party membership.
"This list gives the country a chance for a 'Spring clean', not only environmentally, but also socially," Ms Fitzsimons said.
"I am confident the Greens will be in the next Parliament. Our poll ratings are improving, and there is a real groundswell of interest in the party which I see at public meetings around the country that makes me sure Green Party MPs will return in greater numbers."
Ms Fitzsimons was ahead in a recent independent poll of the Coromandel electorate, commissioned by the Green Party. The party is concentrating on winning the Coromandel seat plus at least 5 percent in the party vote.
Co-Leader Rod Donald said: "We are very proud to be offering voters a candidate team of enormous calibre, talent, community credibility and with a wide range of qualifications and life-experiences.
"Our top 10 candidates, with qualities rarely seen in New Zealand politics, are not only the much-needed fresh face of the new Parliament. They will breathe a fresh life and vision into politics and government - positive, environmentally and socially aware, healthy and less cynical."
Top 10 places on the list are: 1. Jeanette Fitzsimons, 2. Rod Donald, 3. Ian Ewen-Street, 4. Sue Bradford, 5. Nandor Tanczos, 6. Sue Kedgley, 7. Keith Locke, 8. Mike Ward, 9. Janine McVeagh, 10 Richard Davies.