The real culprits still have their jobs
Labour state services
spokesperson Trevor Mallard said while Lotteries Commission
chief executive David Bale had 'done the honourable thing'
in resigning, the main culprits in the lottery commission
salary saga still had their jobs.
"Both State Services Commissioner Michael Wintringham and Lotteries Commission Chair Geoff Thompson are responsible for matter getting out of control. Yet there is no sign that either of them, or the relevant Ministers are accepting any responsibility," Trevor Mallard said.
"Prime Minister Jenny Shipley appointed Mr Wingtringham to the position of State Services Commissioner. He has clearly failed in his duty to keep the Government informed on Lotteries Commission matters.
"The Government's appointment of Mr Thompson, a party hack, to the position of chair of the commission was also clearly a bad choice given Mr Thompson has vigorously defended Mr Bale's salary package, despite just about everyone else in the country thinking it is excessive.
"I am seeking an urgent debate on this matter in Parliament today. Mr Thompson is appointment by the Government. Mr Bale's resignation requires a response from the Government as to whether or not they consider that Mr Thompson should also resign.
"When people buy lotto tickets, aside from hoping
to win a million dollars, they have the expectation that the
profits will go to good causes. It is, in effect, public
money. Those responsible for administering it should always
bear that in mind," Trevor Mallard