Labour's Industrial Policy Bad News For Rural NZ
Tuesday 7th Sep 1999
Owen Jennings
Media Release --
"New Zealand's major primary processors will be shocked to read Labour's industrial policy released today," said ACT Rural Spokesman Owen Jennings.
"Having shaken off the horror years before 1991 when meat and dairy processing companies faced endless frustrations and stoppages, today's policy release is the worst possible news.
"It is almost incomprehensible that the Labour party has fallen so captive to the unions and is promoting compulsory unionism through the back door. Labour's proposal to give unions monopoly power in bargaining will ring alarm bells to processors and farmers. The last few years of industrial harmony have been a Godsend allowing the processing industries to get on with restructuring, adding value, and restoring profitability.
"Any moves that threaten to disturb this improved relationship should be resisted. Farmers and their processing companies will rank this issue very highly when considering how to cast their vote at the coming election.
ACT is the only party that has a clear position on industrial relations that includes strengthening the Employment Contracts Act and cutting red tape and compliance costs to make it easier for businesses to hire more staff.
"This sensible and robust position contrasts with Labours giving in to old style unionism with all its high costs, shocking delays holding key businesses to ransom and negative effect on jobs and growth," said Owen Jennings.
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