Labour's foolproof employment policy
Labour's employment policy includes one concept, which is guaranteed to create jobs, said the Hon Roger Sowry, Minister of Employment.
The party has promised to create 62 new ministerial portfolios, ministries, offices and funds - meaning hundreds of new jobs for chief executives, advisers and public servants.
"Of course this would be good news for Wellington, where most of these new jobs would be created – and paid by taxes drawn from around the rest of New Zealand," Mr Sowry said.
"Some of these new industries would focus on particularly important areas, such as the Advances for Major Home Repairs Programme, and the Rethink Working Time Unit."
"And I'm sure that the Local Economic and Employment Task Force and it's cousin the New Local Economic Assistance Fund would have no trouble thinking up more areas where new jobs could be created."
"I just hope it wouldn't create too much work for the new National advisory committee for the new Minister of Disability Services, the Employment Relations Commission or the new Employment Equity Office."
Mr Sowry said Labour's plan would see hundreds of new bureaucrats moving to the Capital. "However I guess it would create a mini-property boom, and people on low incomes should consider saving up for rental property to take advantage of the market."