Prebble Telling Lies - Bunkle
“Richard Prebble has fed more lies to the public today by claiming the Alliance has never endorsed Newtown as the site for Wellington’s tertiary hospital,” said Alliance Health Spokesperson Phillida Bunkle.
“Our Hospital Plan, which has been widely distributed for over a year now, is absolutely clear that we will keep tertiary services in Newtown. This has always been my preference and I have always stated this, even in Mr Prebble’s presence. His claims are utterly false and he knows it,” said Phillida Bunkle.
“Mr Prebble has been grandstanding on this issue since day one, but has not offered a single shred of sensible discussion on substantive issues like services and funding.”
“The truth is that Richard Prebble and his Association of Consumers and Taxpayers don’t know the first thing about health care. When Prebble was last in government more than thirty hospitals were closed, he has no track record of defending public health in this country.”
“Richard should stick to the semantic issues his
party usually grandstands on and leave health, education and
employment to the people who really care about these
things,” said Phillida