INCIS—A Serious Blow to Crime Fighting
New Zealand First Leader, Rt Hon Winston Peters, is urging further Government action to sort out the INCIS and CARD debacles after a damning report of the Justice and Law Reform Select Committee’s into the failed computer systems.
“This whole INCIS saga has been a major embarrassment for both the Police and those involved in the purchase of INCIS and CARD.
“Those responsible must be held to account for their actions but the immediate priority is to get the police a useable computer and let them get on with their jobs. Right now they have a system that is hopelessly over budget, and can deliver little more than email.
“There are a number of people who have some answering to do. Primarily those to blame are those who were wined and dined by IBM and Co until they believed that a bright shiny computer would cut costs and catch criminals.
“This Inquiry should have gone further than it did. It has not taken into account the fact that staff have been laid off to pay for INCIS and morale is now at an all time low. The “experts” failed to remember that police officers on the street and not computers solve crimes,” concluded Mr Peters.