Turia approached by Fox associate
Labour MP Tariana Turia says she
was approached on behalf of independent Maori candidate
Derek Fox at least three times to sound out what, if any,
future Mr Fox had within Labour.
"I am disappointed that Derek is now denying the approaches made on his behalf which I understood were made with his full co-operation," Tariana Turia said.
"The last time I was approached, the possibility of Derek being given a Ministerial post was raised. I explained that it was out of the question that any guarantee could be given.
"The person who made the approaches is a close associate of Derek's and I am confident that they believed they were speaking with his blessing.
"I know that Derek has also personally discussed the possibility of a career within Labour with Helen Clark, although I was not present at these discussions.
"I am also disappointed that Mr Fox is questioning the integrity of Helen Clark who has the full confidence of Labour's Maori MPs and candidates and who has proven to be an able Leader who listens and is willing to act on Maori concerns. That was completely evident by the release last weekend of Labour's policy for Maori development.
"I hope that the
voters of Ikaroa-Rawhiti will show their disapproval of this
kind of political posturing being displayed by Derek Fox and
vote for Labour's very able candidate Parekura Horomia,"
Tariana Turia