Time For Minister To Remember Promise To Students
Belinda Vernon MP
National Spokesperson
on Work and Income (excluding Employment)
Friday 17th December 1999
“For the second time this week the Minister of Social Services and Employment has proved that his word means nothing” says National’s Work & Income spokesperson Belinda Vernon.
“While Mr Maharey looks into Community Wage top up payments at the request of the Greens, he should remember his earlier promise to students.
“Before last year’s summer holidays, Mr Maharey promised tertiary students that Labour would restore access to the emergency unemployment benefit over the summer holiday period.
“He seems to have conveniently forgotten that straight forward commitment.
“Already this week Mr Maharey has shown that his word cannot be believed. After demanding decisive action earlier this year he now says that calling for the Chief Executive of WINZ to go was a kind of protest activity that you could use in opposition but not when you were governing!
“National will not let Mr Maharey off the hook. We will keep reminding him of all the promises he has made to students, beneficiaries and community groups.
“I predict Mr Maharey will try to wriggle out of a few yet. The question remains, just which promise will he break next?” Ms Vernon said.
Contact: Belinda Vernon: 026-101-831; 09-525-7258