"Labour Treaty Policy Sets Maori Up To Fail!"
4 August 2005
(Haydn Solomon - Maori Affairs Spokesperson)
"Labour Treaty Policy Sets Maori Up To Fail!"
Treaty Settlements based on timeframes are an insult to both Maori and non-Maori as it panders more to soothing racial tensions created by Labour's over bureaucratised Treaty process, than to genuinely seeking durable comprehensive settlements that are full and final.
"Labour's Treaty policy on settlements sets Maori up to fail. 30 years on from the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975 Labour continues to dish out reactionary policies that set Maori up to fail." said Mr Solomon.
"Treaty Settlements based on timeframes create further injustices that lead to more grievances, public discontent and racial tensions. Placing limits on Treaty Settlements is not the answer. National tried to place a 'fiscal cap' on all Maori Settlements in the 1990's which was blown by the first settlement with Tainui." he added
"The core issue for
Maori isn't time, after all Maori have waited for over a
hundred years to resolve Treaty grievances. The core issue
for Maori is about honouring the Treaty as a founding
document which then provides a platform for expedient
negotiations on fiscal caps, timelines, governance
structures, constitutional change and asset management."
Destiny New Zealand will:
1. Support and strengthen whanau through our dedicated Family Policy
2. Honour the Treaty promises without compromising the rights of non-Maori New Zealanders
3. Engage te Iwi Maori in genuine and transparent communications to pursue common understanding on treaty issues; this process must also apply to issues like the foreshore and seabed etc.
4. Dismantle the current environment of uncertainty and fear, and develop policies that are founded on the facts, not fears, prejudices and perceptions
5. Full, fair and final resolution and closure for past injustices must be expediently achieved.
"Clearly, Labour has not learnt from the Foreshore Seabed debacle." he added.