Libz issue tax challenge to Mainstream Parties
Libz issue tax challenge to Mainstream Parties
"I find it monstrous that in a bid to get re-elected, the Labour Party promises to turn a large proportion of the country into beneficiaries," says Libertarianz spokesman Peter Cresswell today in reasserting his own party's tax policy. "Tax is theft," he says. "Accordingly, Libertarianz aim to reduce the theft as soon as practically possible."
"An election is an advance auction of stolen goods," says Cresswell, "and Labour's promises represent a large portion of the auction catalogue."
Here's how Libertarianz propose to give that stolen money back, and to reduce compulsory taxation to zero over five years: They propose a transition period to get there, during which income and company taxes would be reduced to a flat rate of 15%, and GST completely dumped. The first $10,000 of income would be tax free. Says Cresswell, "there's no reason that Mainstream Parties couldn't adopt this measure themselves. There is surplus and potential savings enough to pay for it, and it would do more than anything else to give people back their own money."
"We still do not know National's tax plans," notes Cresswell, "but with the enormous tax surpluses on the one hand and the profligate waste on the other, this '05 election offers a serious opportunity for a signal change in philosophical outlook: either tax up large and spend, spend, spend; or leave people alone and let government act only as referee."
It's time the Mainstream Parties themselves recognised the choice.
The Libertarianz Alternative Budget '05 demonstrating the affordability of their transitional tax plan can be found at