U2's Kite Goes On Sale For Oxfam
U2's Kite Goes On Sale For Oxfam
During their recent sell-out tour of New Zealand, U2's front man Bono released a bird-shaped U2's Kite Goes On Sale For Oxfam
During their recent sell-out tour of New Zealand, U2's front man Bono released a bird-shaped kite during the singing of their hit single "Kite", which is now for sale on Trade Me (New Zealand's answer to eBay), with all money raised going to Oxfam New Zealand.
The kite flew into the path of concert goer, Claire Keam. Claire said "People were just saying 'that's the kite' and we jumped up and caught it. It had these huge helium balloons on it and we had to give a couple of them away because they were too big to fit in the car."
In a remarkable display of philanthropy Claire has decided against keeping the kite, and is instead following Bono's footsteps and using her luck for a good cause.
Barry Coates, Executive Director of Oxfam New Zealand commented that "Bono is a passionate and tireless activist to end the injustice of poverty. Oxfam is deeply grateful for his support of Oxfam's work and the inspiration he provides to millions of people. We would like to thank Claire for her outstanding generosity, and we watch with eager anticipation as bids come through from around the world. The funds raised will make a huge difference."
The auction is listed on Trade Me as "Bono's (U2) Bird Kite from 24 Nov Concert Auck" and can be viewed here: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Music-instruments/Music-memorabilia/Other/auction-79027654.htm
As word spreads around the world, interest is expected to fly high. The auction closes on Tuesday December 5th.