Images: The Maori Flag Flies On Waitangi Day
The Flag Flies On Waitangi

"As the wild wet winds continue to whip around Waitangi. Feburary 6th 2007 showed that although the flag did not fly on THAT bridge, the Maori Independence Flag, pretty much flew everywhere else" said Teanau Tuiono.
Indigenous brothers and sisters flew the flag in solidarity in Sydney and the States. The flag flew on One Tree Hill and of course up at Waitangi, UNITE flew the flag from their office on Queen st. Queen Victoria was seen with the flag in Wellington, (see above), it was also seen on a Greenpeace ship in the deep deep south ( see below, and yes those are icebergs in the background, nice one Logi ).

Someone even sent us a picture of their harley with the Tino Rangatiratanga symbol on it, ( shot Reg from Te Araroa! ). ( more pictures at )

Kiritapu Allan continued " The Tino Rangatiratanga flag symbolises the long tradition of struggle and resistance by Maori against colonisation and the Crown sponsored theft of Maori land and resources. It is a symbol used by Maori who continue to resist the pressures of colonisation and cultural and economic genocide. Such a concept embraces the spiritual link Maori have with 'Papatuanuku' (Earthmother) and is a part of the international drive by indigenous people for self determination."