"Don Elder Must Resign - Spying Unacceptable"
The Save Happy Valley Coalition is calling for the immediate resignation of CEO Don Elder following a Sunday Star Times expose of Solid Energy's use of an infiltrator into the Christchurch Save Happy Valley group.
See Nicky Hager's investigation by clicking here…
"It is a
disgrace that Solid Energy employ such underhanded and
potentially illegal tactics," said Frances Mountier, Save
Happy Valley Coalition spokesperson. "The use of an
infiltrator into our group meetings represents a serious
blow for Solid Energy's credibility. It is a serious misuse
of public funds to send a spy in to collect information on
strategy, campaign plans, fundraising and actions. The
climate change debate must not be reduced to a state owned
enterprise scooping information from the organisations that
oppose their practices."

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Ryan (on the left) with Save Happy Valley Christchurch spokesperson, Graham Jury (on the right), at the recent "End of the Line for Coal" train blockade.
When confronted on Thursday, Ryan, the spy, fully admitted his role. He has been involved in Save Happy Valley for seven months and has joined the 16 month old occupation of Happy Valley three times.
"Solid Energy must provide an assurance that,
after 15 months of spying on us at our occupation camp,
filming the Happy Valley track and now planting a spy in our
group, they will once and for all cease to employ Thompson
and Clark Investigations Ltd," said Ms Mountier. "It is too
late, however, for Don Elder to redeem any legitimacy as the
CEO of a state owned company. He must resign
1. Solid
Energy has previously admitted hiring Thompson and
2. When the Save Happy Valley Coalition found two
spies in Happy Valley in February 2006, Solid Energy denied
that they were hired by the SOE, or their security guards,
but declined to comment on whether they were hired by
Thompson and Clark.
3. In September 2006, the Save Happy
Valley Coalition found an elaborate, expensive camera setup
to spy on people walking into Happy Valley.
4. Under the
Private Investigators and Security Guards Act, all people
acting as Private Investigators must be registered. In
operating an unregistered spy, Thompson & Clark have
seemingly broken the law.