Government Department Pulls Advertising
13 November 2007
Government Department Pulls Advertising from Californication
The Ministry of Economic Development has announced that they are withdrawing any future advertising from TV3’s offensive and pornographic Californication series. Their “Buy NZ Made” advertisement featured during the first episode last week.
They join six other companies - Burger King, CRC, Finish Dishwashing Liquid, Cadbury, Flight Centre and Ferrit.
In response to a complainant (not Family First), the Chief Executive Geoff Dangerfield said “The Ministry had not been informed of the nature of this programme, or its AO rating, prior to screening. Our media booking schedule, prepared on 16 October, showed a booking with TV3 for a “Comedy” programme at this time. The Ministry has taken steps to ensure that it will not advertise in future during this programme and we have reinforced with our media buying agency our requirement to avoid advertising on programmes of this nature.”
Family First NZ applauds this decision, and calls on other companies to demand that their ads are placed during less offensive and more family-friendly programming on the television networks.
Family First also calls on the government to examine the current codes of broadcasting and advertising standards and censorship laws, and to establish stronger standards surrounding violent material, material of a sexual nature, coarse language and other content likely to offend viewers.