Landowners should tremble at Clark's new policy
Landowners should tremble at Clark's new policy
Responding to Helen Clark's plan to combat housing unaffordability, Libertarianz Housing spokesman Peter Cresswell is encouraged at the Clark Govenment's belated recognition that the core of the problem is over-regulation and under-supply, but appalled that amongst the remedies proposed include stripping land-owners of their property if in the view of state goons and council planners the land isn't being used as they like.
"It's encouraging that the Clark Government is finally recognising that core of the problem with housing unaffordability is over-regulation and under-supply -- problems only exacerbated by throwing taxpayers' money at increasing demand," says Cresswell.
"It is highly discouraging however," he says, "to see that the Clark Government's plan is a kind of Army Surplus approach to housing in which the bottom of the Crown land barrel is scraped to provide spare land. And it is absolutely frightening to contemplate the Clark Government's theft of John Key's policy (announced August last year) to strip landowners of their property if council planners and state's goons object to landowners' plans for their own property, and to give it instead to developers upon whom the state has smiled."
"This is absolutely frightening," says Cresswell. "The problem being addressed is one that's been brought about by savage over-regulation, on which an drastic counter-attack is urgently needed. Instead, another savage attack on land-owners' property rights is planned by Clark's socialists, one already endorsed by the National socialists in John Key's policy department."
"This last however is no surprise however," he sadly concludes, "since all the property rights violations since the war have come from the same source. Not only does the National Party support the actual theft of landowners property in 2008, but it supported its virtual theft in 1991 when it introduced the Resource Management Act, and it presaged the process with the Public Works Act in 1981."
The National socialists are no more friends of property owners than are the socialists on the other side of the house. National is not the answer: The only party one-hundred percent committed to the protection of property rights is Libertarianz.
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