Kiwi Patrol Hit by Explosive Device in Afghanistan
Kiwi Patrol Hit by Explosive Device in Afghanistan

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A New Zealand Defence Force Patrol convoy in Bamyan Province, Afghanistan as part of the Provincial Reconstruction Team (NZPRT).
Zealand Defence Force
Te Ope Kaatua O Aotearoa
Media Release
31 March 2008
Yesterday morning Afghanistan time, a four vehicle patrol from the New Zealand Provincial Reconstruction Team en-route to conduct a mobile medical clinic was hit by an improvised explosive device (IED).
The explosion hit the flank of one vehicle damaging the front lights and popping the windscreen. No shrapnel entered the vehicle and there were no injuries to any personnel.
The patrol immediately secured the scene and awaited the arrival of coalition bomb disposal experts, who are now investigating.
The patrol has returned back to their Forward Patrol Base and are continuing with their tasks as normal.
The incident occurred in the north-eastern part of Bamyan province, near the border of Baghlan province.
The 107-strong NZ PRT is tasked with assisting in security and reconstruction in Bamyan Province.
There are currently 403 New Zealand Defence Force personnel deployed on 15 operations, UN missions and defence exercises around the world.