National - Just Another Party of Compulsion
SOLO-NZ Press Release: National - Just Another Party of
May 27, 2008
National, never renowned for its adherence to principle, has stooped to a new low with John Key's confirmation that he is willing to violate four of the nine central principles ostensibly promoted by his Party in one fell swoop, says SOLO spokesman Mark Hubbard.
"The National Party purportedly promotes the following principles," Hubbard reminds us:
freedom and choice
*Competitive enterprise and rewards for
*Limited government
"Mr Key's commitment, under duress today, to compulsory KiwiSaver Employer contributions is directly in breach of all these principles. There cannot be 'individual freedom and choice' when he is prepared to perpetuate compulsion. There cannot be 'personal responsibility' when he is prepared to replace responsibility with compulsion. We cannot have 'competitive enterprise' when employers are weighed down by compulsory levies, charges, and taxes such as this. There cannot be 'limited government' when the taxpayer is forced to finance the huge bureaucracies that are needed to administer policies such as this.
"Neville Key's own back-bencher, Kate Wilkinson, prompted his betrayal by saying, 'The National Party is not a party of compulsion.'
"Bullseye! SOLO says that it would be better if Flip-Flop Neville were to hand over the reigns of the National Party to Ms. Wilkinson, who clearly has a better understanding than he of the vision her Party supposedly espouses.
"Today the National Socialist Party drove a further knife into the back of the productive sector, already crumbling under the weight of nine years of Labour socialism. Where's the difference?" Hubbard concludes.