Silent protest on Gaza operation
This protest took place at 12.30pm on Tuesday 6 January 2009 outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade, Lambton Quay, Wellington
Silent protest at the disproportionate response of some New Zealanders to the Israeli military action in Gaza
The noisy protests against what is happening in Gaza reveal the double standards of those who show concern for the tragedy of death and damage in Gaza, but said nothing during the years when rockets and mortars were fired at Israel, by both Hamas and Hizbollah.
Now, with their false comparisons to the horrors of Jewish suffering in World War 2, they heap blame on Israel for a situation caused by Hamas.
Every government is responsible for the safety of its own people. New Zealand fought in World War 2 to protect our freedom.
More than 6000 rockets and mortars have been fired - from Gaza - into southern Israel since 2005, after Israel had withdrawn completely from Gaza.
Israel and her people can no longer suffer this attack on their human rights – the right to live, and to live in peace.
Hamas must stop its aggression against Israel – and we ask New Zealanders to recognize the situation as it really is.