NZ Navy Divers Restore Water To Manono, Samoa
New Zealand Defence Force
Te Ope Kaatua O
Media Release
6 October 2009
NZ Navy Dive Team Successfully Restore Water To Manono Island, Samoa – Update 5
After five days, water is about to be restored to Manono Island just off the main island of Upolu in Samoa. The water pipeline was fractured during the earthquake and subsequent tsunami which hit the country last Wednesday, leaving about 800 locals without fresh water.
A dive team from the Royal New Zealand Navy arrived on Saturday and began operations to assess the damage. In places, the pipeline had been covered in sand and debris that had shifted during the quake. After clearing away the debris they found four fractures along its length and began the task of repairing the line. The dive team completed the job by Sunday evening.
The water is not yet to a drinking standard. An assessment of the water tanks on Manono Island is still to be carried out to ensure the water is safe to drink. A local engineer, accompanied by NZDF personnel and NZAID, will assess the water tank and make other engineering assessments on Manono today.
“The biggest challenge was removing the debris from the pipeline. Once we were able to see the extent of the problem it was a relatively simple job to repair the PVC pipe and get the water flowing again,”said Lieutenant Commander Andrew McMillan, Navy Dive Team Commander.
The Navy Dive Team will now relocate to Lalomanu and assess damage to another water pipe to the island of Namu’a just off the south-east coast.
New Zealand Defence Force Tsunami Relief:
• The Navy divers have restored water services
to Manono Island in Samoa, after identifying and repairing
breaks in the submarine pipe.
• They are now assessing
the pipeline to Namu’a Island.
• New
Zealand Army Engineers are continuing to assist the NZ
Police search teams in the South East of Samoa.
• The Air Force Iroquois helicopters are
distributing aid at the request of aid organisations,
transporting specialist engineers to check water tanks at
Manono Island, providing detailed aerial photos of affected
areas and moving NZDF and NZ Police personnel.
• The Medical Team are in the process of
relocating from Lalomanu to Poutasi to set up a Medical
Boeing 757
• An Air Force Boeing 757 with six
more medical personnel and additional supplies including
medical supplies, tents, rotary shelter boxes and donated
dog food departed today.
• The
HMNZS Canterbury remains on 8 hours notice to sail, with
loading beginning at 7pm tonight, in order to be ready for
whatever tasking is decided by the Government.
There are now 98 NZDF personnel in Samoa.