Children’s Commissioner Needs To Move On
20 November 2009
Children’s Commissioner Needs To Move On
Family First NZ is rubbishing the attack from the Children’s Commissioner regarding the March for Democracy being held in Auckland tomorrow and is inviting him to attend the family-based event.
“It’s time that politicians and government funded organisations stopped talking at parents and took time to listen to them – to listen to parents and families of NZ who are simply trying to raise responsible and law-abiding citizens,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.
“The debate’s been had on the anti-smacking law. Dr Angus needs to move on. The common sense of NZ’ers has prevailed on this issue and they quite clearly said that a light smack is not child abuse and that we must target the real causes of child abuse. He now needs to listen to the voice of 87%.”
“The March for Democracy is now about a far greater issue of politicians and government appointees respecting the overwhelming view of NZ’ers in a democratic country.”
“Unfortunately, the change of leadership from Dr Cindy Kiro has not undone the irrelevancy of the office of the Children’s Commissioner and these latest comments by her successor don’t help.”
Family First is recommending that the government move the Office of the Children’s Commissioner on, and absorb its functions into the Families Commission.
“If the existence of the office of the Children’s Commissioner was put to the democratic vote, it would be gone by lunchtime,” says Mr McCoskrie.