Internal Affairs websites being brought back on line
24 March 2011
Internal Affairs websites being brought
back on line
Some Internal Affairs websites
are still unavailable.
The Department does not yet know what caused the problem, which it describes as very unusual. Internal Affairs sites have historically been very stable.
There has been speculation that the loss of website service is linked to a particular threat publicised on some websites over Internal Affairs efforts to limit the international trade in images of child sexual abuse.
“There are always threats and risks to websites. We have no reason to believe that the problem is linked to any particular threat, or even that it involves any hostile action at all,” said Deputy Chief Executive Stephen Crombie
“We are working to bring the sites back in a way that gives us maximum information about the problem, and we are working through to find the cause. Whatever the cause, the restored websites will be more resilient than they were, but no website is invulnerable and we cannot guarantee 100% availability in perpetuity.”
The Internal Affairs internet filter is made available on a voluntary basis to Internet Service providers. It blocks access to sites which include images, videos or promotion of child sexual abuse. There is no proposal for the filter to become compulsory. The filter is aimed solely at reducing the trade in child sexual abuse material.
During the time websites have been down, staff at the Internal Affairs Call Centre have fielded many more calls than usual. Because the systems within the Department have been largely unaffected, staff have been able to email people requested documents, or refer them to other sources. When people tried to access the affected sites, they were usually able to see information about other sources to get what they needed.