17 yr Old Appeals to Te Taitokerau Constituency to Vote Mana
Tēnā rā koutou katoa e ngā whānau, ngā hapū me ngā iwi katoa o Te Taitokerau.
To the people of Te Taitokerau,
I write to you on the 8th day advent of the Te Taitokerau By- Election. I write to you asking you to seriously consider your vote on June 25th to be a vote for Hone Harawira of the Mana Movement.
As we know;
A vote for Hone is a voice demanding the end of poverty within Te Taitokerau
A vote for Hone is a people united under the Treaty of Waitangi
A vote for Hone is a force driving the move toward liberating the masses
A vote for Hone is a working order of commitment and dedication to Te Taitokerau families
A vote for Hone is a compliment of appreciation for the needs and aspirations he has already delivered on
A vote for Hone is an acknowledgement that he is a politician who lives amongst his people and not above them
A vote for Hone is a gesture recognising the love and compassion he has for what he does, which is to give the people of Te Taitokerau a working voice within central government. A voice that can never be snubbed, bought or silenced.
He has committed his life toward the progression of the people. That the people of Te Taitokerau may determine their own paths and that this government has an obligation to liberate the people of Te Taitokerau, not oppress them.
At the institutional level he reminds this government of their inherent responsibility to work with and in favour of the Te Taitokerau people, policing them in their constant dismissals and self-appointed pardons with which they regularly and blatantly insult the very document upon which this nation is forged.
He works tirelessly to dismantle the chains that commit our people to a life of ruin through the current taxation systems that just seem to leave us getting poorer and poorer, therein presenting disadvantages and unwanted health and education issues currently affecting the Te Taitokerau people.
Principally, he serves all peoples of Te Taitokerau and he has done exactly that in the very fact that his life was and still is dedicated to this principle which has given him purpose.
Servicing the people – NOT the rich,
Servicing the people – NOT the white,
the people – NOT the government,
Servicing the people
– NOT himself.
Remember this letter when you reach the polling booth. Remember the stolen voice Hone has returned to you in past years. Remember the honesty and integrity he has bought to contemporary Aotearoa - New Zealand politics.
Finally, a vote for Hone is not a vote for Hone Harawira, no.
A vote for Hone is not a vote for the Mana Movement, no.
A vote for Hone Harawira is a vote for the kaupapa that enriches us all.
A vote for Hone Harawira is a vote for principle.
A vote for Hone Harawira is a vote for the people.
A vote for Hone Harawira is a vote for Te Taitokerau.
A vote for Hone Harawira is a vote for you and your beloveds.
Hone Harawira for the Te Taitokerau
Electorate 2011!
Remember this and give Te Taitokerau
the integrity that it deserves. To those who still retain a
distasteful view of Hone I ask you one question;
1. Hone’s personality? Or the kaupapa he defends?
PLEASE: Don’t forsake the value of the kaupapa because of one man.
PLEASE: Don’t put the value of one person before the
value of the kaupapa. 4
"Happy are
those who dream dreams and are prepared to pay the price to
make those dreams come true." - Hone Harawira.
noa nei,
Ngaa Rauuira Puumanawawhiti
Ngāti Kuri,
Te Aupouri, Te Rarawa, Ngai Takoto, Ngāti Kahu
This letter was
written by Ngaa Rauuira Puumanawawhiti aged 17 yrs of
non-voting status, in support of the Mana Movement candidate
Hone Harawira campaigning to represent Te Taitokerau
electorate in the 2011